Unifund CCR Partners Texas Lawsuit Attorneys
Unifund CCR Partners is one of many debt buyers. They often sue consumers in Texas for debts they allege to have purchased. We have successfully defended lawsuits brought forth by this debt buyer and many others. If you have been threatened by this company, or if you have received a citation to appear in court, please contact us – we can help.
Debt buyers like this company purchase charged off credit card debt for just a few cents on the dollar. Credit card companies are happy to recoup a very small amount of their losses. Then, Unifund CCR Partners sues for the full amount, making a profit on the difference between that and the amount they purchased the alleged debt for.
Debt buyers and other creditors have four years from the date of default to sue you in the state of Texas. This is called the statute of limitations. However, once that time period has been exceeded, they no longer have the power to lawfully sue you (though time-barred lawsuits get filed all of the time). Typically, they file the lawsuit not too long before the four year deadline.
If you have been sued by this debt buyer or others, then please contact us. We can help. If you hire us, it is very doubtful that you will ever have to go to court. Call us for a free consultation and we will be happy to cover the details of your case with you.
In case you are wondering, here is this debt buyer’s contact information:
Unifund CCR Partners
10625 Techwoods Circle
Cincinnati, Ohio, 45242
Phone: 800.384.8134
Fax: 513.489.1875
Some Recent Unifund CCR Partners Lawsuit Results:
Situation: Our client hired us to defend a Unifund CCR Partners debt buyer lawsuit.
Plaintiff: Unifund CCR Partners
Court: Dallas County Court at Law No. 2, TX
Cause No: CC-06-06960-B
Result: The case was dismissed. Our client never had to go to court.
Situation: Our client hired us to defend a Unifund CCR Partners debt buyer lawsuit.
Plaintiff: Unifund CCR Partners
Court: Dallas County Court at Law No. 5, TX
Cause No: CC-06-15303-E
Result: The case was dismissed. Our client never had to go to court.
Situation: Our client hired us to defend a Unifund CCR Partners debt buyer lawsuit.
Plaintiff: Unifund CCR Partners
Court: Collin County Court at Law No. 4, TX
Cause No: 004-917-06
Result: The case was dismissed. Our client never had to go to court.
Situation: Our client hired us to defend a Unifund CCR Partners debt buyer lawsuit.
Plaintiff: Unifund CCR Partners
Court: Dallas County Court at Law No. 3, TX
Cause No: CC-06-11575-C
Result: The case was dismissed. Our client never had to go to court.
Situation: Our client hired us to defend a Unifund CCR Partners debt buyer lawsuit.
Plaintiff: Unifund CCR Partners
Court: Dallas County Court at Law No. 1, TX
Cause No: CC-07-01644-A
Result: The case was dismissed. Our client never had to go to court.