Reliant Energy Retail Services Texas Lawsuit Attorneys
Many creditors, including Reliant Energy Retail Services, sue honest, hardworking consumers like you for debts they claim you owe. We can help you during any phase of the process, including if they have simply threatened you with a lawsuit.
Unfortunately, most Texas consumers do not know how to respond when threatened with a lawsuit. Most panic and ignore their actions, hoping they will just go away. However, remember that you have legal rights you can defend in court. In fact, you may actually only owe a very small part of, or perhaps even none of, the amount for which you are being sued.
Creditors like Reliant Energy play on your fear, hoping you will not respond to their actions. Then, they sue you for the full alleged debt, and if you do not take action, they eventually can get a judgment and possibly garnish your bank account.
However, the action of simply hiring a debt lawsuit defense attorney may be enough to get them to back down. In cases that do end up being aggressively pursued, we can often help you reduce the amount claimed to be owed.
The Texas statute of limitations lasts four years after the date of default. Often, you will get sued not too long before you receive such a notice. If you are sued, let us know how we can help. Contact us to discuss the details of your case.
Here is the contact information for this entity:
Reliant Energy Retail Services
P.O. Box 3765
Houston, TX 77253-3765
Phone: (713) 497-3000
Fax: (713) 497-5503
Some Recent Original Creditor Lawsuit Results:
Situation: Our client hired us to defend an original creditor lawsuit.
Plaintiff: American Express Centurion Bank
Court: Dallas County Court at Law No. 4, TX
Cause No: CC-10-07251-D
Result: The case was dismissed. Our client never had to go to court.
Situation: Our client hired us to defend an original creditor lawsuit.
Plaintiff: Dell Financial Services, LLC
Court: Dallas County Justice Court Prec. 2-1, TX
Cause No: JC11-01385D
Result: The case was dismissed. Our client never had to go to court.
Situation: Our client hired us to defend an original creditor lawsuit.
Plaintiff: Citibank (South Dakota), N.A.
Court: Tarrant County Court at Law No. 3
Cause No: 2010-082522-3
Result: The case was dismissed after we appeared on behalf of our client, who never had to appear in court.
Situation: Our client hired us to defend an original creditor case.
Plaintiff: Capital One Bank (USA), NA
Court: Travis County Justice Court Prec. 2-1, TX
Cause No: 56318
Result: The case was dismissed before trial. Our client never had to go to court.
Situation: Our client hired us to defend an original creditor case.
Plaintiff: HSBC Bank Nevada, NA
Court: Grayson County Court at Law No. 1, TX
Cause No: 2009-1126-CV
Result: The case was dismissed before trial. Our client never had to go to court.