Jenkins, Wagnon, & Young, PC Texas Lawsuit Attorneys
This Texas law firm handles collections actions against debtors. You may have already received many phone calls and letters from demanding you settle your debts. Now, you have been sued. But, you do not have to panic, even though it may be an uncomfortable situation. While creditors have an intimidating presence, the simple fact remains that in court, you have rights. The burden is now on them to prove that you do in fact owe the amounts they are suing you for.
Fortunately, we have successfully defended lawsuits presented by this firm, and we can help you pursue the just legal outcome you deserve. This law firm has been known to represent creditors such as Equable Ascent Financial, LLC, Educap, Inc., Hudson & Keyes, LLC, CACH, LLC, Crown Asset Management, LLC, and Unifund CCR Partners. Other creditors they have represented in the past include:
* Riverwalk Holdings, LTD
* RAS Group, Inc.
* Midland Funding, LLC
* Global Acceptance Credit Company
* First Resolution Investment Corporation
If this firm has sued you, please contact us immediately. Time is of the essence, and the sooner we are involved in your case, the sooner we can help you pursue a favorable legal outcome. We know that you have been working hard and have hit difficult times, so let us help you get out of them and back into a good financial place. We offer a free consultation – so there is no risk if you would like to learn if we can help you.
The following is the collection firm’s contact information:
Jenkins, Wagnon, & Young, PC
1623 10th St.
Lubbock, TX 79401
Some Recent Jenkins Wagnon Young Lawsuit Results:
Situation: Our client hired us to defend a junk debt buyer lawsuit.
Plaintiff: Riverwalk Holdings, LTD
Court: Dallas County Court at Law No. 1, TX
Cause No: CC-11-02854-A
Result: Case dismissed. Our client never had to go to court.
Situation: Our client hired us to defend a junk debt buyer lawsuit.
Plaintiff: Midland Funding, LLC
Court: Bexar County Justice Court Prec. 3, TX
Cause No: 30-C-11-00611-01
Result: Case dismissed. Our client never had to go to court.
Situation: Our client hired us to defend a junk debt buyer lawsuit.
Plaintiff: Equable Ascent Financial, LLC
Court: Tarrant County Court at Law No. 2, TX
Cause No: 10-80880-2
Result: Case dismissed. Our client never had to go to court.
Situation: Our client hired us to defend a junk debt buyer lawsuit.
Plaintiff: Global Acceptance Credit Company, LP
Court: 160th Judicial District Court, Dallas County, TX
Cause No: 10-06222
Result: Case dismissed. Our client never had to go to court.
Situation: Our client hired us to defend a junk debt buyer lawsuit.
Plaintiff: Equable Ascent Financial, LLC
Court: Denton County Justice Court Prec. 5, TX
Cause No: J11-0120J5
Result: Case dismissed. Our client never had to go to court.