Being sued by a credit card company, credit card attorney, or debt collector in Waco is not worth the worry. It is possible to defend credit card lawsuits in Waco.
Credit Card Lawsuits in Waco
We defend clients who are facing Waco credit card lawsuits or debt buyer lawsuits. Many people have debt, and at the beginning it is possible to make the payments and stay on task with the bills. However, when the rules are changed in the middle of the game due to the “fine print” in the credit card contract, it can be very difficult, if not impossible, to pay off the amounts you owe.
The rules can even be changed for people who are in good standing with the credit card company. Credit card companies are able to change the terms of the card because of the “fine print” that was agreed to when you accepted the terms of use with the card. However, most consumers do not read the fine print. This allows the credit card companies to decrease the credit limit suddenly, which puts many consumers over the limit.
Once a consumer is over the limit, penalties are added, along with fees, and the interest rate is usually increased. Many people who were once able to make the payments find themselves unable to make the minimums because of the excessive fees and interest rates. This forces many consumers to throw in the towel and just stop paying their credit card bills. If this scenario sounds familiar to you, we want to help you.
What ends up happening in most instances is that after a few months of not paying the bills you are staring at a credit card lawsuit. This means that you are being sued for money the credit card company claims you owe them.
Waco Credit Card Lawsuit Defense Attorney
If you are sued, facing the possibility of having to develop a defense for a debt related lawsuit by yourself is overwhelming. This is especially true when you know you cannot afford to pay the debt. However, with the help of a seasoned Waco debt collection defense attorney, this task becomes much more manageable and your anxiety will slowly go away. A good defense attorney can help ensure that the credit card attorney does not get away with making you pay the entire bill without a fight. If you find yourself in this situation, we would be happy to discuss your case with you and begin preparing your defense.
Contact us today. We do not charge an initial consultation fee to discuss your case, and we look forward to being able to help you. If you would like to see our experience successfully helping our clients, then please review our results.
Some Recent McLennan County Lawsuit Results:
Situation: Our client hired us to handle a bank credit card lawsuit in McLennan County.
Plaintiff: Capital One Bank (USA), NA
Court: McLennan County Justice Court Prec. 1-1, TX
Cause No: V2011-1384.1-J1.1
Result: The case was dismissed by the bank. Our client never had to make a court appearance.
Situation: Our client hired us to handle a bank credit card lawsuit in McLennan County.
Plaintiff: Capital One Bank (USA), NA
Court: 414th Judicial District Court, McLennan County, TX
Cause No: 2011-2818-5
Result: The case was dismissed by the bank. Our client never had to make a court appearance.
Situation: Our client hired us to handle a bank credit card lawsuit in McLennan County.
Plaintiff: FIA Card Services, NA
Court: McLennan County Justice Court Prec. 4-1, TX
Cause No: V2009-000336.1-J4
Result: The case was dismissed by the bank. Our client never had to make a court appearance.
Situation: Our client hired us to handle a bank credit card lawsuit in McLennan County.
Plaintiff: Target National Bank
Court: 170th Judicial District Court, McLennan County, TX
Cause No: 2009-4327-4
Result: The case was dismissed by the bank. Our client never had to make a court appearance.
Situation: Our client hired us to handle a debt buyer lawsuit in McLennan County.
Plaintiff: FIA Card Services, NA
Court: McLennan County Justice Court Prec. 1-1, TX
Cause No: V2010-000529.1-J1.1
Result: The case was dismissed by the debt buyer. Our client never had to make a court appearance.