Laredo Credit Card Lawsuits and Debt Lawsuits
Defending clients in debt buyer lawsuits and original creditor lawsuits is what we do. Debt can easily spin out of control. Taking a loan is an opportunity, but it can backfire on you if you decide to take on more debt than you can handle. Many of us have credit card debt. If your debt is swinging out of control, and the debt collectors are threatening to take you to court, we have some honest advice for you.
If you have been financially crippled by a credit card company that either drastically raised your interest rate, or decreased your credit amount, as per the fine print in your contract, you are not the first person to fail to read, or understand the terms when applying for credit. Raising the interest rates on your balance could mean the difference between being able to pay down your debt, and being unable to do so. Suddenly decreasing your credit limit could make you unable to pay all of your bills.
Maybe you have already made an appearance in a debt lawsuit. Laredo credit card attorneys often referred to as “appearance counsel” will likely be present at your appearances. These lawyers are there to make sure debt collectors can proceed with their lawsuits as fast as possible. They will seek the best interest of their clients, the creditors.
Laredo Credit Card Lawsuit Defense Attorney
We provide counsel as credit card lawsuit defense lawyers. Our clients are being sued by debt collectors in the civil courts. In order for the credit card company to collect on your debt, they must prove you took the credit offered with preponderance of evidence and in accordance with the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure and the Texas Rules of Evidence. This could mean that the debt collector may have to let the credit extended slide, on account of not being able to prove the debt in your name.
Hiring a credit card defense attorney greatly increases your chances of a case dismissal or of successfully lowering the amount you need to pay back. A lawsuit places the burden of proof on the Plaintiff, and often times this is ample defense to convince the debt collectors to give up on collecting the loan. Weighing the court costs, and their ability to prove in court that indeed the debt is yours may convince the debt collectors to settle out of court for much less, or to dismiss the lawsuit altogether.
Are you currently facing such a lawsuit? If so, we can help you. Please be advised that our initial consultation is free of charge. Please take a look at our track record, and contact us for a no obligation free consultation.