Cavalry Portfolio Services, LLC Texas Lawsuit Attorneys
Cavalry Portfolio Services, LLC files many lawsuits in an attempt to collect debts. Cavalry Portfolio Services, LLC is a company that purchases owed debt accounts from original creditors and then profits by collecting the debt. These types of companies are known as debt purchasers. If you are being sued by Cavalry, and they want you to pay on a debt they purchased in your name, contact us for assistance as soon as possible.
Contrary to popular belief, the law is actually written to your benefit in this case. Once Cavalry files the lawsuit, it becomes their responsibility to prove that you actually owe the money related to this alleged debt. In many instances, they do not have the documentation to support their claims. This is why the worst thing you can do is absolutely nothing. The best defense is responding and making them prove their case.
Another important point to know is that the statute of limitations for Cavalry to sue to collect on a debt runs out after four years. That may be why they are suing you now. Contact us right away if you have received notice of a lawsuit or judgment filed by Cavalry Portfolio Services, LLC.
Cavalry’s contact information is:
Cavalry Portfolio Services, LLC
7 Skyline Drive
Hawthorne, NY
Phone: 800-501-0909
Some Recent Debt Buyer Lawsuit Results:
Situation: Our client hired us to defend a debt buyer lawsuit.
Plaintiff: Liberty Credit Services, Inc.
Court: Rockwall County Court at Law, TX
Cause No: 1-09-171
Result: Our motion to dismiss was granted. Our client never had to go to court.
Situation: Our client hired us to defend a debt buyer lawsuit.
Plaintiff: Liberty Credit Services, Inc.
Court: 162nd Judicial District Court, Dallas County, TX
Cause No: 09-3286
Result: The case was dismissed before trial. Our client never had to go to court.
Situation: Our client hired us to defend a debt buyer lawsuit.
Plaintiff: CACH, LLC
Court: Collin County Court at Law No. 6, TX
Cause No: 006-02682-2009
Result: The case was dismissed before trial. Our client never had to go to court.
Situation: Our client hired us to defend a debt buyer lawsuit.
Plaintiff: Equable Ascent Financial, LLC
Court: Dallas County Justice Court Prec. 2-1, TX
Cause No: JC10-00107D
Result: The case was dismissed before trial. Our client never had to go to court.
Situation: Our client hired us to defend a debt buyer lawsuit.
Plaintiff: CACH, LLC
Court: Denton County Justice Court Prec. 3, TX
Cause No: J10-105J3
Result: The case was dismissed before trial. Our client never had to go to court.